setwd("C:/Labou/Misc") # Note: I am no longer working with a packrat project - I have access to my FULL R library # Now, I want to unbunble the packrat bundle library(packrat) # We want to unbundle to a *new* folder # (because I happen to have the bundled folder with the same name in the same main folder) packrat::unbundle("C:/Labou/Misc/R_working_group/packrat_demo/packrat/bundles/packrat_demo-2017-02-21.tar.gz", #location of the bundled project "C:/Labou/Misc/R_working_group/packrat_demo2") #where we will unbundle the project # Now, when I am within this folder, I am within the packrat project, and I am using the private package library # Note: unbundling can take a few minutes!